Just before Jesus left this earth, He gave His disciples one last thing to do. He told them to go, teach, baptize, and teach. The church is meant to go. We are to teach--tell about Jesus and how He can save. We are to baptize those who join us. Finally, we are to teach. This teach means to teach about Christ, the way He lived and what He expects of us. We are to begin with those around our locale and branch out to our state, nation, and world. When we can't go ourselves, missionaries are the Biblical answer - those who will go in our stead.

We do a Vacation Bible School as an outreach to our community, specifically geared to educate children about Jesus. We have mission awareness on certain Wednesday nights, when we learn about specific missionaries in the field both home and abroad. Our kid's Backpack Ministry helps kids who have need of basic school supplies, in co-operative effort with the SBC. We support state, national, and international missionaries through co-operative effort with the Southern Baptist Convention, and also help as needed with certain Southern Baptist Disaster Relief efforts, which can range from food, disaster relief, meeting critical needs, and also international children's services.